- 9h45
Opening of the 57th swine days
- 10h - 15h30
Animal Welfare, Breeding and Husbandry
32 communications including 9 oral presentations and 23 posters
- 12h30 - 14h : Lunch
- 14h15 - 15h45
13 communications including 3 oral presentations and 10 posters
- 14h45 - 17h45
Animal Nutrition
43 communications including 8 oral presentations and 35 posters
- 15h30 - 16h15: Poster exhibition and coffee break
- 18h30 - 20h30: Cocktail offered to all participants
- 9h - 10h45
Animal Health
31 communications including 7 oral presentations and 24 posters
- 10h45 - 11h30 : Poster exhibition and coffee break
- 11h30 - 12h45
Economics and Sociology
15 communications including 5 oral presentations and 10 posters
- 12h45 - 14h15: Lunch
- 14h15 - 16h15
Genetics et Meat Quality
22 communications including 7 oral presentations and 15 posters
including a review: The holobiont*, a new dimension in pig breeding (*the animal and its microbiota)
- 16h15: Closing of the 57th JRP by IFIP